Steam Train Magic

Where There’s Smoke is a compilation of years of photography from some of the best there is.

About The Book

Way back in the 1970s steam trains were quickly disappearing around the world. As a young man, I witnessed the end of steam in NSW Australia in 1973, and observed many of  my mates heading overseas to capture steam action around the world. Eventually I joined them which started a 3 year safari spanning 3 continents. Over the years between us we have travelled to most parts of the world, risking imprisonment and worse to get the shots.

This book is produced in 2 parts, simply because we couldn’t fit everything in to the one publication. Part 1 covers Scotland to the Cape covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Part 2 ventures into ASIA, Latin America and Australasia. Click on the “Know More” button to view a selection of the images in part 2.

The book is 192 full colour pages of images that will take your breath away.

400 class Garratt South Australia 1969

What’s inside


The Indian Subcontinent

Pakistan, Nepal, India & Sri Lanka


South East Asia

Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam,
The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia


North ASIA

Soviet Union, China & Japan



New Zealand 


Latin America

Cuba, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, & Argentina


John Doe on Code of art.

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Ali Sayed on Code of art.

Thanks John, your fantastic book arrived yesterday, and I am enjoying taking my time
going through the various countries. Amazing photography by some of the all time great
steam enthusiasts travelling around the World. Once again, thank you for the opportunity
to purchase, regards,

Alan Jones.



We tried to keep the book small, but there were so many good shots, we just had to produce a  monster book. So much to choose from with the Andes and Himalayas as a background, not to mention New Zealand.

About the authors.

The book is principally a product of Malcolm Holdsworth, Rags (Robert) Kingsford-Smith, John Allerton, John Gaydon & Mike Tyak

Our friendships started in Australia, and continued on a 4 month tour of Europe in a campervan, which included 4 of the authors.

John Gaydon

Other books

Where There's Smoke Part 1

African Steam Safari

Railway Portraits

Superheat Preorder

Our Next Book


Featuring great steam photos from around NSW by the who’s who of talented local photographers.

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